My sourdough


Here's my take on sourdough, it as worked for me.


  • 3 dl Cold water
  • 75 g Rye flour
  • 75 g Graham flour
  • 150 g Wheat baking flour
  • A small handful of raisins
Put the raisins in a bowl with the water. Let them soak for about 15 minuts and take them out. Mix in the flour and put it in a glass jar. It's supposed to be rather watery, so don't worry about it not looking like dough.Cover the glass jar with a piece of regular kitchen paper, held by an elastic band. This allows the sourdough to breathe without attracting unwanted bugs.Stir the sourdough once every 8-24 hours. And once a day remove 50g and add 25g regular wheat baking flour and another 25g cold water and mix. After a few days you should be able to bake with sourdough.Continue the process for as long as you want to have sourdough.Every time you use some of it, add the same amount half and half of wheat flour and cold water to the sourdough. Depending on how much you use, your starter should be ready again in a few days.*Note: Mine did start so smell a bit like old milk after the first few days, but the smell went away and it started smelling like delightful yeast.