Variation on Pioneer Bread


Recently, I decided it was time to go back to trying my hand at some loaves using the ADY that's stored in my downstairs freezer. The first recipe that I'm working on is Pioneer Bread from the Kansas Wheat Commission's web site.

For those rare few with a curiosity about wheat harvests, the web site has a day by day account about this year's harvest. They also have included maps that depict the daily progress. It's not for everyones taste but it is suitable for work.

Pioneer Bread is similar to a lot of other loaves that are described as rustic or farmhouse loaves. This particular loaf is an enriched loaf in that the recipe calls for the use of vegetable oil as an ingredient. Since the recipes are taken from the winning loaves at the Kansas  State Fair, I didn't think I could go too far wrong. So I set out to convert the recipe into a formula using weight measurement rather than volume. I also added a preferment and have tried soaking the corn meal and whole wheat components. My procedures aren't quite textbook but the second time around on this loaf has met the approval of both Mrs PG and myself. The crumb isn't as wide open as I'd like but the taste is very good and the aroma from the bake filled our little house.

For those who have suffered through this far and may have an interest in the formula, I've included a link to my blog posting that has my initial attempt at the conversion to weight measurement. It's not a perfect piece of recipe literature but if you can wade through and try the loaf for yourself, please email me or leave a comment. I expect to have a sourdough variation worked out and posted on my blog by the middle of July.


Other than cornbread, there aren't many yeasted breads with cornmeal that I enjoy.  Those that I do like tend to be multigrain types, or variations on the anadama theme.  This sounds like it would be a tasty loaf, though.  Looks good, too.


Thanks for your compliment. It is a better tasting loaf than I expected. Most of the ADY loaves I tried in the past haven't had what I would have to describe as "substance" in their flavor profile. This one has that substance.  Having been born, raised, and educated in Massachusetts, I do admit to having Anadama Bread on my to do list of breads. The ingredients are on hand so I don't have an excuse not to try a loaf or two. It must be time to do some research.

As for the appearance, my shaping and slashing remain works in progress. I can still recall Henny Youngman, "Practice, Practice, Practice!"

Lovely looking, bread.  I have a recipe for "Viola's light wholewheat bread" which also won a bread contest sponsored by the Kansas wheat commission.  Perhaps I will post on it in the near future.  It is a great loaf for sandwiches. 

