Bad planning, good bread? Sourdough with spelt


So I wanted to make a batch of Black Canyon sourdough last night, to repay my neighbor for the 2 lbs of fresh-caught cod he gave us. No mise en place. Pretty distracted after work etc. But in I plunged, only to come up about 1.5 C short of All-Purpose flour. Doh! So I used a combo of spelt, oat and White Whole Wheat bread flour from Whole Foods. It took about 45-50 minutes of vigorous kneading by hand to get any structure and windowpane. Roughly, in baker's math, it's about 66% hydration. Used my starter, which has been pretty reliable. Now, it's been proofing for 12 hours, and looks ok. I'll give it another hour or so before I bake. This should be interesting. 

Here's how it came out.

After proofing

50 minutes +10 on the stone


Pretty happy, considering my panic after kneading for 30 minutes and seeing essentially a dead, slack dough. Taste is very tangy, nutty. The neighbors will appreciate their boule.