Folks here will be interested to know that Ten Speed Press is rereleasing a revised version of Carol Field's classic bread book The Italian Baker. It looks like The Italian Baker, Revised comes out in November.
I've never read Carol Field's book but I know it has been hugely influential. I'm looking forward to finally having a chance to check it out.
Wonderful! Great tip Floyd, thanks.
I initially based my order on the book's reputation too. Since then, I've seen some of Field's other Italian cookbooks, and they are wonderful. I bought "Italy in Small Bites" which has lots of recipes for bread and other baked goods. The biscotti about which I blogged a few months ago are from that book.
I'm looking forward to getting "The Italian Baker" too!
I just bought both books Dave after reading your comments.
For those of you who don't mind used books, there are more than 20 copies of the original for sale on the website :
That's how I got my copy a year or so ago when it was mentioned in TFL...
Dave Hurd, Hilo, Hawaii
The press release says "The Italian Baker, Revised has been updated with four-color photography, plus new equipment sections, sources guides, weights and measurements, and instructions for the natural yeast method." It doesn't sound like a huge revision to me, just more of a refresh.
I have the original and it has been very useful and enjoyable.
We could use more Italian baking books.
I have the original book, too. Love it. I'm curious as to what changes there might be. If there's anyone here who will be in a position to compare when the time comes, please report.
can't have to many great Italian cook books :)
It was a gift from my wonderful sister-in-law. It gives the weights of all ingredients with the exception of liquids. I, too, am curious about what the changes will be (maybe weights of liquids?). In 1988, Carol Fields was saying that the three most essential things for bread baking were a scale, a stone, and a bread scraper. I had to order a dough scraper never having seen one. She taught me almost everything I know about European style breads. King Arthur and the "Bakers Companion", Carol Field and "The Italian Baker", were the only two cookbooks ( I added Raymond Claval) that weighted even some ingredients . It also is one of those books that gives instructions for food processor, mixer and hand kneading. There were some great bread books out...George Greenstein and "The Jewish Baker," James Beard and "Bread" and Beatrice Ojakangas and "The Great Scandinavian Baking Book" . There was also Julia Child and "Baking with Julia" but these last books used cups and tsp. KA used the bastardized American system of using tsp and Tbsps for small amounts and weighing heavier ingredients like flour. When BBA came out I was really doing the happy dance. I immediately bought a tiny scale and haven't looked back. I stopped using all my older cookbooks, with the exception of The Italian Baker. I think this book will make a great addition to any baker's library.
Thank you for this information, Floyd. I am going to check it out.
Here's a link to an article about the revised edition of The Italian Baker:
From the article:
[quote]The 2011 version includes a few key additions - notably color photographs, a second ciabatta recipe, a natural yeast recipe and both metric and U.S. customary units - but the content is almost identical, even as the state of Italian bread, both in Italy and in America, has changed.[/quote]
of the book. Also received my copy of Inside The Jewish Bakery. Can't wait to get started on "reading"