List of languages in the postings


I am trying to figure out how to stop all my postings from having that horrendous list of languages .  I post a 1 line message and I end up with the one line plus about 10 more lines listing all kinds of languages.  I tried to edit it and get rid of that part of the posting and ended up with the list of languages showing up twice.  Is there some kind of setting I need to turn on or off to stop this.   It is very annoying and it also seems to lessen the quality of the posting I am making.  Very Irritating.  I tried to mess with the disable/enable rich-text and that did nothing.  This is a new happening, just within the past couple of weeks.  Never happened before.

Weird. I would guess it is some kind of character encoding thing Ubuntu is trying to do but I don't know that for sure.  I've got an Ubuntu install I can boot into... I'll check it out.

For now I'd suggest avoiding the WYSIWYG editor.  You can click "Disable rich-text" to turn it off for a particular text box or go into your account and uncheck the box that says "Text formats enabled for rich-text editing: Filtered HTML" and it shouldn't auto-load.

Are you creating your posts directly in the browser or are you developing them in another program (e.g. a word processor program like MSWord, etc.) and cutting/pasting them to the forum window?

I am clicking on the reply and then filling the subject and comment.  When I created this topic I did that from the browser directly.  I am doing nothing with a word processor program and no cutting/pasting at all.

When you look at this very thread that you started, do you see the list of languages in any of the posts? If so, which ones?

(For comparison, I don't see any list of languages in any of the posts at all. Are we seeing different things, or the same thing?)

Also, when you're composing a new post, and click the [Preview] button, does the list show up in the preview? (or does it only show up in the edit/compose area?)

It shows up after I enter my posting. The posting shows up all by itself. Then when it actually saves the list of languages shows up. I just unclicked text format from the profile. We'll see if that fixes it. PS That seems to have fixed it. Wonder where that got clicked on from. Never had the problem before the last couple of weeks. Looks good now. Thanks.

I upgraded the WYSIWYG editor the site uses a few weeks ago.  Presumably there is an incompatibility with the new version and something in Ubuntu.  I'm actually kind of surprised since so many open source developers run Ubuntu.  

I have been using Ubuntu and other Linux distros for years with no problems which is what really surprised me with this showing up.
Once they show up you are stuck with them. If you edit the comment and erase them they show up twice. The solution appears to be to uncheck rich text in the profile. If you disable rich-text at the comment level it appears to do nothing. If you have rich text unchecked at the profile level the list of languages goes away. My question is why is this even there in the first place. Personally on a board of this type I don't see what the purpose of the list is to begin with. Seems like whoever set up the board missed something here that should be pretty easy to fix. If this were on a mainframe I would do it for you since I have over 40 years on them but on PC I am totally lost as to how to attack a problem like this. Thanks to Floyd for coming up with what appears to be the solution.