Hi all,
I discovered this website about a month or so ago which was when I first decided to try home bread baking and must say I have been so impressed with it! I am living down in Australia at the moment and, like I say, have only been home bread baking for a little over a month now but I really am hooked. This website has been of immeasurable help in learning the ropes, Floyd's "Lessons" section is great, and I have finally decide to jump in and introduce myself and start seeking feedback for my bread baking problems.
As I have written in my other post on the Multigrains forum I have recently acquired Peter Reinhart's book "the Bread Baker's Apprentice", and it is thanks to you folk that contribute at this forum and all the recommendations you have given for this book, that I found out about it. I love it: full of beautiful photographs and delicious, well described recipes! It really has helped my knowledge along no end.
Well that's a bit of a short and scattered introduction but just thought I should say hi first.
Welcome aboard.......Lots of nice people here to help.