Latest News on Inside the Jewish Bakery

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hi all,

so here's the latest:  sent in the first batch of final page corrections last week (2 more to come later this week), saw the second iteration of the cover design -- looks like that's the one we're going with.  spoke w/ our publisher on Thursday and he said the book will be off the press and in our hands in August, with the official publication date scheduled for late-September/early October.

it's been a long journey, as you all know, and we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  more important, we're certain it's not an oncoming train.

btw, we also got some fantastic endorsements from some names I'm sure you'll all recognize.  their quotes will grace the back cover ....

Norm and I can't find the right words to express our deep gratitude for the support and encouragement the TFL community has given us for the past year.  we fully expect to repay that with a book that comes from our hearts.

Stan Ginsberg

That's great news!  Thanks for the update.


Stan,  Thanks for passing on the great news.  I look forward to publication (as I am sure do you).  Bob

Saw your comment to include this in the book, can't wait.

My best bread memories came from Pratzels in St. Louis. As a little kid who only came eye level up to the case, and to buying bagels right out of the oven through the back door at 2 in the morning once we grew older and got access to the car.

But the standout bread for me was their tzitzle rye. I'm sure there are some special tricks of the trade to get that crust, thick with a special grind of white cornmeal (I'm guessing but would love to see this recipe!)

Good luck. Looking forward to more updates.

to both you and norm for hanging in and getting all the way through the process! Can't wait for it to be out so I can get my local book shop to order it for me! Its definitely a must have for me, and I will try to bake from it all winter.

Still tryign to get my kitchen beaten into submission, a long haul process that doesn't seem to want to proceed! But I will do it somehow!

Stan--Looking forward to that book and will be spreading the word.  Can't wait to get my hands on it.  Keep us posted!


(PS:  Already baked with your fresh yeast--what gorgeous challah it made!  Thanks for everything!)