Finnish Rye Bread - not much rye, but lots of other goodies



The formula is from Wild Yeast's blog, there really isn't that much rye in the dough, but has quite a lot of ww flour, as well as cracked wheat and flax seeds - two of my favoriate bread add-ins. The addition of molasses adds a subtle sweetness, makes a very flavorful and satisfying whole grain bread.


Crumb is relatively open for such a dough, not difficult to make either. With the method of "baking upside down", you can even skip scoring!


This is probably my shortest, least wordy blog entry ever, but when you have a perfect formula, no need for more words, thank you Susan!

Sending this to Yeastspotting.

One of my favorite breads, and you did it perfectly!

txfarmer, I don't which is more beautiful, your breads, or your photo-art of them., but the final score on both would have to be A+
