My First Pullman Loaf


I just sliced into my first Pullman Loaf.  I was given a Pullman loaf pan as a gift and simply followed the recipe on the packaging.  It came from Williams-Sonoma.  Needless to say, I am thrilled. The slices are light, yet toothsome and has a mellow flavor, but addictiing.  I admit, it was a little challenging to knead the butter into the dough, so I cheated and used the stand mixer.  Here are two snapshots.

If anyone wants the recipe, I will add it.  I rarely post here, but am constantly lurking and learning!  Thanks!

By all means post it.  I've got a Pullman pan too but haven't made a loaf in it yet.

Sorry for taking so long to post the recipe. 

1 packet active dry yeast (2 1/4 t)

1 t. sugar

1/4 c. (60ml) warm water (100F)

4 c. AP flour, plus more for dusting (I used Bob's Red Mill)

2 t. salt

1 1/2 c. warm whole milk (100F)

4 T. cold unsalted butter, plus more for buttering the pan

Dissolve yeast and suger in warm water until foamy.

Using a mixer with a dough hook, combine the 4 c. flour, warm milk and yeast mixture.  Knead on lowest speed until dough starts to come together, about 2 minutes.  Increase speed to med-low and knead for 2-3 minutes more.

Turn the dough out onto a floured work surface.  Put the 4 T. butter on a clean work surface (I had the dough on one side of my board and the butter on the other).  Using the heel of your hand, make a long smear with the butter; it should be malleable, but still cold.  Working in 1 T. at a time, knead the butter into the dough.  The dough will be sticky at first, but will become smooth and elastic as you knead.  (This is where I moved back to the mixer, I achieved the same results).

Let rise until tripled in volume, about 1 1/2 - 2 hours.

Turn dough out and shape, gently pat into a 12 by 7 inch rectangle.  Fold the dough into thirds, like a letter.  Pat dough out to the rectangle shape again, repeat folding process.  Return the dough to the bowl and let rise another hour.

Butter the inside and lid of the Pullman pan.  Turn dough out and gently pat into a rectangle just longer than the pan.  Fold the dough in half lengthwise and press the edges to seal.  Shape and lay the dough, seam side down, in the pan; the dough should fill 1/3 to 1/2 of the pan (mine was just over half). Cover pan with plastic wrap and let rise until it fills 3/4 of the pan, 30 to 45 minutes.

Preheat over to 400F.

Remove the plastic wrap and slide on the lid.  Bake until an instant read thermometer read 195F, 40 to 50 minutes.  Turn the loaf out and cool completely before slicing.

Additional Notes from me:  My pan is a 9x4x4.  The dough was oozing out as it was baking.  The next time I make this loaf, I am going to split the dough in half and make 2 loaves.  I am thinking this recipe was made for the longer Pullman pan.


I promised myself that I will buy a Pullman loaf as a gift to myself when I move back to my home in Oklahoma - 6 weeks to go here in Los Angeles, and then I WILL BE MAKING a loaf of bread just like yours!  (I hope... :-)