Fifth Annual Open House

Profile picture for user davidg618

Normally held in January, because of a bout with sciatica, this year's open house was delayed until this weekend (April 3). Nonetheless, it was, as ever, a great bash.  The food this year was inspired  by the book Charcuterie, introduced to TFL by hansjoakim in a recent blog. The centerpiece of the spread was a Pate de Campagne (country terrine) and a Shrimp and Salmon Terrine with Spinach and Mushrooms. A choice of two sauces, Orange-Ginger and Remoulade; and two chutneys, Spicey Tomato and Farmhouse, accompanied them, but I preferred them sauce-less, with a slice of baguette. We also served home-smoked Pulled Pork with my BBQ sauce (an annual favorite), Tart Cherry-Pecan and Almond-Amerreto biscotties to dunk in the wines, and little spiral sandwiches we purchased.


As always, our new wines, and past years' favorites were featured, and, by popular demand, I also brewed a Pilsner for those who prefer beer. The four year old Barley Wine is showing a distinctive sherry-like, hopped flavor. It's an acquired taste, but I made a few converts.

My wife took the opportunity to surprise me using the party as an opportunity to celebrate my 75th birthday anniversary. The actual date isn't until June, but, if I've learned anything in seventy-four-and-a-little-more years, never turn down the chance to eat cake!

The picture was take on Memorial Day 1938. Cute kid, huh?

David G


What a great spread you set out for your guests. A very cute kid David, Happy Birthday in advance.


We love doing this, and we had some concern we wouldn't be able to do it this year before our snowbird friends--about a third of the community--would have headed north, but we made it in time.

David G

Profile picture for user wally

Happy Birthday!  Between the charcuterie, wines and beer, it's obvious that you are a busy fellow.  Wishing you many more birthdays and wishing I was attending the open house!


...of jury duty last week. Fortunately we made the terrines early in the week, the pulled pork had been in the freezer for a couple of months, and the wine was resting. It turned out to be one of the easier years.

And, being retired, every day is Saturday, except Sunday.

Thanks, Wally

David G