which level in oven?

Hi, I recently shifted so, it's not a microwave/ convection oven that i'm using now, but a fully electrical multi shelved one. For artisan like breads, like batards, ciabattas and the like, do you use the top, middle or the lowest shelf?? I'm using a pizza stone too. THX
Elagins@sbcglobal.net I use the second from the bottom shelf setting. If i set it too low, the bottom crust burns before the top bakes properly. You'll have to go by trial and error, I think: every oven is different. Also, it's better to keep the steam pan above the stone, rather than below, since the pan absorbs heat and doesn't allow the stone to get as hot as it needs to. S
In my gas oven, I've had to move my stone up a few shelf settings to get the tops to brown properly. I'm in just about the middle rack now. Good point about the steam pan, too. I'm sure it's much more important in an electric, where most of the heat is radiant. Good luck! -Joe

thx for the info, But, though my oven is a fan assisted electric, but, i think the heating element is only at the top. would it be alright if the steaming pan's above the stone too?
I doubt the element's on the top only ... that would be more of a broil and cause excessive top-browning with undercooked bottom crust. If that's the case, though, I think you'd need to experiment with either top or bottom position and see which works best.