Massa Sovada?

I told someone I liked to bake bread, and she brought up Massa Sovada, a Portugeuse sweet bread. I did some internet searching, but I'm leery of the results I got. Does anyone know how to make this, or know a book that I could buy that would have a good recipe for it?
a Portuguese sweet bread, like a that what you mean?
The web tells me it is a flour/milk/egg/butter kind of bread baked in a loaf.  But I can't find any source that looks like it might be a good candidate for being somewhat traditional.

I found a recipe I trust finally.  Page 40 of the paperback version of Bernard Clayton's New Complete Book Of Breads.

Masa Sovada (Portuguese Sweetbread)

I have never made this but found it in my recipe archive: source unknown.  makes 6 servings.

  1/4 cup   water, lukewarm
  1 cup   scalded milk                      
  1 cup   sugar                             
  2 teaspoon   cinnamon                          
  1/2 cup   butter or margarine               
  1/2 teaspoon   of salt                           
  5 1/2    to 6 cups all-purpose flour       
  4    eggs                               
  2    packages yeast

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Dissolve yeast in warm water. Scald milk and add to sugar, butter and salt; stir until butter is melted. Mix cinnamon and flour. Add 1/2 the flour to the milk/sugar/butter/salt, and mix until smooth. Beat 3 eggs and add them and the yeast to the mixture.

Continue to add remaining flour to make soft dough. Remove it from the bowl and place on floured board. Knead until smooth and satiny (about 15 mins.). Shape into a ball and place in buttered bowl. Cover and let rise until double in size (2-1/2 to 3 hours).

Punch risen dough down and divide it in half. Place in two greased pans (8 inches round). Let rise in warm place until double in size (1-1/2 to 2 hours). Brush tops of dough with remaining egg (beaten).

Bake in 350 degree oven for 20-30 minutes or until golden brown. Cool on wire racks.

