As aspiring bakers, we are all to familiar with the base of the food Pyramid and the important food groups. Often however, changes are made, sometimes subtle changes that may escape our attention. I thought I would take(waste) a little time to review an important change at the top of the triangle that nearly escaped my attention.
Recently in preparation for the Spring holidays the fine folks at Just Born Inc. announced the birth of their new product the "Chocolate Coated Peeps". In the spirit of investigative reporting and wanting to fully inform the members of this community, I rushed out and purchased a small package of these delicacies. Fair warning, if you are sensitive to scenes of mutilation and physical carnage, you may not want to view these images. Some actual Peeps were harmed during this review. Some were eaten after being decapitated. It was unavoidable in the name of research.
Here are the images. You can draw your own conclusions. We all loved them! If you are a fan of Peeps like so many of us are, this is great news.
The new food pyramid
Hi Eric,
I thought you may have posted this one 3 days early when I first read it!! [Could be 4 days when you allow time differences?]
Happy snacking; I'm seeking out a beer with Occa!
Very best wishes
I seen these at Target on Saturday and I confess I dismembered 6 of the poor little featherless fledgelings !
Haha! That absolutely made my morning!
totally agree. Chocolate should be part of anyone's food chain.
Great pic !!
Grains and Fruits can be found near the base and slightly higher. I've always considered beer to be in the most essential group of grains. I believe the recommendation is 5 a day!
I would click on "Like"...
I'm a peep dryer.
Yes... I dry out my peeps until they're good and chewy, at least I used to.
I would, dare I say, keep them in the closet until they reached the proper hardness. I know, and yes, I would poke holes in the corners of the packages to speed them on their demise.
Now, after all these years of guilt, I've come out of the closet myself. Oh, BTW, the rows of little pink bunnies weren't safe either. I am just so... well... it's that time of year again and for the past decade I've been saved by the "pond," a great mass of water protecting the little peeps from my Easterly clutches. This year, I've seen them here where they shouldn't brave. They are doomed. (Be still my heart!)
Mini O brutal
Didn't you have a bit part in Brave Heart?
Yes, it was so bit I was helping in make-up painting blue and white stripes on the little beaked faces of the peeps getting ready for battle. I bet you didn't see any of them. Darn editors!
Do you think the chocolate could prevent peeps from drying out properly?
They seem to have a tiny cracker or crunchy surface between the chocolate and marshmallow. I think they will dry just fine MOB.
LOL I'm another closet dryer of Peeps. My family thought I was nuts and my brothers would try to steal them before the drying was sufficiently complete. I remember I had to keep moving them to avoid detection while awaiting that perfect moment.'s just like a good artisanal bread, crisp and crunchy crust with a soft and tender interior. hmmm...
We all love peeps. Can't help it!
The peeps she gets for the grandkids around this time of year escape the confines of the house and run off to no mans land never to seen again
Run free! little peeps - run fr... gulp.
[Edit: nom nom nom]
the peeps or the chocolate egg ?
Peeps came in 1953 according to their web site.