A cookie (or two)

Profile picture for user arlo

Though I haven't posted about bread in a while, I have my reasons. No, I am still working at the bakery baking bread daily which hasn't made me bread-sick. I still am studying to complete my degree (end of this fall it looks like!) but I make time for the important things in life (like baking!). But what is keeping me away from bread is that I am working towards my American Culinary Federation Certified Pastry Chef title, which I hope to obtain this year. What that means is I have been baking a lot of genoise cakes, cookies and attempting Bavarian cream. Since those are the required pastries to be made for the practical examination.

Today, after getting off my shift I went ahead and made some molded Bavarian cream which is actually still in the fridge due to other time restrictions and appointments, but also went ahead and changed my game plan when it came to my cookies. I decided against my original molasses and oatmeal raisin cookies and went for the more familiar. Although I am still sticking with my two brownie recipes I decided. It's not that my molasses or oatmeal raisin recipe were bad, it's just I thought I should pay homage to the bakery that has taken me in and taught me so much.

I took a look at some of my aforementioned baking knowledge from working at a bakery that promotes whole grains and decided to make a two cookies using 100% whole wheat flour. They are different than what I make at the bakery by a long shot, but they remain true to using entirely whole grains.



The end result was a deliciously chewy whole wheat oatmeal cookie, and whole wheat oatmeal chocolate chip cookie! I made roughly four dozen, two and half went to my fiances work to be shared (they see lots and lots of my pastries from homemade poptarts, cakes to truffles) and the other half will be for her father, who is in the armed forces and is going overseas to the middle east again this month.

I am very pleased with the taste and texture and am glad I went with something I am familiar with. I think it will bring along confidence when it is time to step up to the plate.

for success in obtaining your certification.

Just slightly too late for St Patrick's day, though - because now I'm finally "wearin' the green" - green with envy!  :>)

Profile picture for user SylviaH

Wishing you the very best on your certification!  Your cookies are devine!  Choc, chip, oatmeal cookies are my favorite cookie with or without nuts..when I allow myself to indulge, you see I can't eat just one 'lol'...your addition of using whole wheat is a plus.  Do you use a whole wheat pastry flour or regular whole wheat flour?  I might indulge and take the rest over to the grandkids ;)


Thank you all for the kind compliments.

And I do use 100% Stone Ground Whole Wheat, but I have used King Arthur Whole Wheat flour with success as well. I've only ever used whole wheat pastry flour once or twice, but I am sure it would be great, just use a bit less liquid.

These look delicious. I'm trying to incorporate more whole foods into our diet and would love to try the whole-wheat cookies (with raisins instead of chocolate). Would you mind sharing your recipe, or do you simply swap whole wheat flour for the white flour in a standard oatmeal recipe? Any adjustments to the leavening when you make these? Thanks so much for sharing!