Tried whole wheat again.

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Better. Still not getting the gluten I'm looking for. Thinking maybe I need fresher flour. Things turned out fair though. Used only home grown leaven this time. Two whole wheat and two sour doughish.


It looks like you are definitely going in the right direction-esp if you did it with all homegrown starter.

The sourdough-ish (looks like a white/wheat mix?) crumb is nicely developed. Deeper slashes may have helped it open more evenly but that takes time and practice. How long did you ferment/raise the dough? How is the taste?

The whole wheat loaves are beautifully colored. Was the crumb good? Taste?

Sourdough-ish was a wheat/all purpose mix. It turned out really well and the wife likes it much better than the all wheat. The wheat has a strong strong flavor. I like it, but it's strong. Makes a great grilled cheese sandwich. My starter is half wheat and half rye. I got up at five and began mixing and kneeding. So from six to ten it fermented. At ten I divided and shaped. So from ten-thirty to two pm it proofed in the pans. I shoved all four loaves in the oven at once. Three on the top rack resting on the pizza stone. The fourth on the bottom rack with the cast iron skillet I pour water in to get steam in the oven for the first part of the bake.