I saw two methods usuing sourdough starter. i understand the first one but not the sense of the other
1. using a mature SD as a directly starter. in my case i take it out of my refridg. day before. fed it (1:2:2) and use it after day.
2. using a mature starter and make from it another starter. why ? if i understand it right, it means i need at least 2 days to make a bread.
There are many much moore experienced bakers than me but..
In my opinion -
Making bread usually sourdough takes time. Result: bread full of flavour, aroma and fresh for a few days. Time agrees with good quality bread.
Not everybody keeps enough starter in the fridge to bake bread. I keep at least 2 tablespoon of my 2 sourdough starters. I don't feed them according to any schedule,if I'm not going to use them in baking. I bake a lot so I have no problems to keep them alive.
I don't understand what is the difference; when you refresh your starter it also takes time-8-24 hours. The recipe for building the sourdough - only tells you how to refresh it. It's helpful.
I can start the recipe this way:
50 g sourdough
150 g water
150 g flour
----------total 350 g sourdough starter
Let ferment overnight.
Or that way:
350 g sourdough (I have had to built it overnight, and had refreshed it day before)
1000 g flour
500 g water
or some in some recipe building the starters is very important part of process. It saves time because the fermentation is usually shorter. For example:
Detmolder 3-stage Rye
or Miche:
so , if i understand what you meant,
for example in that receipe
the 610g mature sourdough can taked directly from the fridge ? without any feeding before ?
Anna.. What's the typical amount of starter you keep active on the 'counter' at any one time? I was keeping a starter that was about 50g and added the other two components but found it tedious to do twice daily -- even though it was typically just a 5 minute job. At most I tend to make bread a few times a month and want to minimize any waste (flour/water/starter thrown away) as I'm almost the only one in the house that enjoys it.
I guess it would be nice to know if I could keep a starter going that is comprised of something like 5-10g starter, and perhaps 5-10g water/flour for a 100% hydration starter that would fit into something like one of those super small containers and just scale it up when I want to use it.. Seems like that would work OK...?