8th March 2011


Hi - another guess loaf;

demerera sugar

strong flour


dry yeast 



1 egg 

olive oil

------------------------- I just warmed the milk, honey and oil in a pan until luke warm, then whisked it in a bowl with the yeast and salt (don't know that it makes any difference but I don't put the salt and yeast in the same pile at first, more superstition that sense) - cracked the egg in and gave it a good mix with the whisk: sprinkled some flour in to make some goop.

Left it alone (beside the boiler) until it was all bubbly - then mixed in more flour until it was impossible to mix with the whisk, changed to a wooden spatula, mixed more flour in until I could handle the dough and set about kneading it for about 10 minutes. 

Left it to rise until it was about twice as big, then pushed the air out of it, and made it in to a ball, (covered with small amount of olive oil) left it to rise next to the boiler again, with the oven heating up - cut a slice in the top for craic - waited until it was about twice the size again (a bit less because it was 4am and I was nakkad) - hoyed it in the oven n baked it for about 20 minutes or so - I painted margerine on the crust again and covered it with a teatowel when it was cooling, to soften the crust - again the bread is lovely. 

I think next time I'll not bother with the margerine as I don't like the salty taste too much - and I'll put a bit less honey in, it's lovely but I think I'll keep it down.

What I love about this bread, is how springy the "crumb" (is that the right word?) is - it just bounces back, it's light and fluffy but robust - it's fantastic on it's own and it's lovely toasted too. 


Have a good week.


Thank you Paul. 

It turned out nicely again - nice enough to encourage me to keep going forward and trying different things.

I think it could have done with more time to rise, but I was so tired I was falling asleep waiting for it, and had fears of burning it :)  so I just baked it.


I like this way of making bread because it is SO simple to do - it encourages someone like me, who doesn't have a lot of confidence.

Thanks again.


That looks really fabulous, Craig.  Respect!  (especially because you made it entirely by "feel").  You are doing really well and seem to be "hooked" and enjoying yourself, which is the main reason we bake!

Keep up the good work, I look forward to seeing pictures of your next masterpiece.


Thanks Richard, thanks very much. 

You're right, I love doing it.

I am somewhat addicted to it but I'm getting a bit fat :)

This last one could have done with more time to rise but I had to go to bed, I was too tired. 

Chris and I had some of it, fried in basil olive oil, with chilli and garlic - and ohhhhhhhhh man, it was nice! 

We ate the crispy cloves of garlic too, they were incredible.

We've finished this one, so I'll hopefully make a new one soon.

Thank you very much for encouraging me!

Take care
