I'm back on the Weightwatcher's Core Plan, which allows me to eat all I want of a list of healthy foods -- lean meats, eggs, vegetables and fruits, and whole grains. Bread isn't on the list. Dang.
However, I'm wondering how it is that I can eat all the couscous or kasha or rolled oats I want, but no bread. Seems to me that artisan bread made with whole wheat isn't all that different from cracked wheat -- is it?
I can eat a small amount of foods not on the list, so I guess I'll spend my point allowance on bread.
Has anyone else here tried combining baking and dieting? Do bakers tend to be roly-poly or svelte?
Okay, at the risk of not being believed, I have noted over the past few months that I have been losing belly fat. A couple of weeks ago I had an insurance physical and the guy weighed me out at least 5 lbs lighter than usual. The only thing I have changed in my diet is that instead of eating snacks I have a slice of lean sourdough. Sometimes I butter it, sometimes not. Must be an over-all reduction of fat intake.
That's my story,
Genuine wholegrain artisan breads are nutritionally very much like any other wholegrain food.
I'm not a WW person, but I would guess they say 'no bread' only because so many commercial breads (including bakery versions) include white flour and fats and milk and sugars in unknown amounts. If you are making your own breads, you know what you're putting into them, so you ought to be able to count them as your grain allowance.
You can probably even use recipes that call for a little molasses or honey, for instance (and a lot of wholegrain breads do) because you can account for those ingredients in your meal plans.
"I am not a cook. But I am sorta cooky."
Bakers of entirely whole grain breads may recall many doorstops on the way to a genuinely good loaf, loaves which made overindulgence difficult. So there's a diet plan in there somewhere.
Anyway, there's a pretty big difference between eating a typical whole wheat bread (as distinct from 100% whole grain bread) and eating, say, the same weight of Kashi or brown rice or something... Aside of the many fats and sugars that lots of pro bakers add, most whole wheat breads are made with such a low portion (like maybe 15-40%) WG flour-- the rest white flour-- that you have less fiber to slow down the spike of blood sugar you get with most bread...
Also, there's portion control... after all, what good is a sandwich with slices of bread the size of triscuits? A typical helping of bread is pretty generous... How often do you just have one slice?
Having baked some foccaccia earlier today and eaten several ounces fairly quickly, I'm tempted to conjecture that any svelte bakers must be either getting lots of exercise, exercising remarkable restraint, or baking poorly.
And in support of Leemid's sourdough belly-busting, I have heard that sourdough is more slowly metabolized than other white bread, but re why that is, I have no idea.
My understanding of the WW Core plan is that the core foods list does not include foods with high “binge potential,” regardless of how healthful they might otherwise be, and that’s why bread’s not on the list. The good thing about whole grain bread is that it is high in fiber, which lowers its point value. (I don’t think you get any additional credit if it’s sourdough, though :-) Whole grain bread's probably one of the healthiest ways to spend your discretionary points.
Good luck with the plan, Felila!
I'll bet that when they say bread, they're referring to the general idea that bread is something made with refined flour. I say get yourself a good grain mill (like NutriMill), some whole grains, and a good whole grain bread book (like Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book) and help yourself to some REAL bread.
The first round with Weightwatchers helped me lose 25 pounds and I have changed my eating habits enough that I was able to maintain that weight. However, being an extremely roly-poly baker, I have another 100 pounds to go and I'm starting again.
I was maintaining even with bread in my diet, but I must admit -- I did tend to overeat when the bread came out of the oven. I know I'm supposed to wait until it cools to cut it but fresh hot bread with a crackling crisp crust and a bit of butter is one of life's great pleasures.