hamelman bagle recipe


dose anybody have hamelman recipe for his bagle  thanks mike

Bread, like most books, carries a copyright notice.  it's unfair to any author to reproduce his/her work without permission - not to mention illegal.

Why not check your local library for a copy?  Or better yet, buy the book.  It's a fantastic resource that will only improve your baking skills.

The recipe is copyrighted, so most will be hesitant to publish it here(if it has not already been done so; search).

That said, the recipe, or an "adaptation" thereof, should be pretty easy to find out on the web with a web search.

Good luck.

I keep seeing this idea that recipes are copyrighted; well, sort of, but mostly not.

What's actually copyrighted is the presentation - the exact instructions, pictures, etc.  The ingredient list is NOT copyrighted.  The word-for-word instructions are copyrighted, but instructions can still be given as long as they are not copied word for word.

That said you're more likely to get an accurate recipe by checking the book out of the library.  If your library doesn't have a copy, you can probably get one via interlibrary loan. 

It's been my experience that the vast, vast majority of people who want a recipe can't resist changing it just a teensy bit (teensy being pretty flexible here).  I've given people recipes for things and had them complain that I must have purposely held something back - only to find out that they don't like ginger, so they left it out, the cloves smelled so good they doubled it, etc etc etc so that what they actually made bore no resemblance to the original recipe.  Just read the comments for any recipe on any of the recipe box sites and you'll see - "This recipe was great with just these changes I made" or "Even though I improved this recipe it was still lousy".

So basically it's ok to try a recipe you got online, but if you want to be sure you're getting an accurate representation for a particular recipe, it's best to go to the (offline) source.

Oh yeah and here's a recipe that purports to be the Hamelman bagel recipe but I've no idea how accurate it is. Here's another source with pictures of the process of making these bagels.

It's my understanding that he's a honcho at King Arthur Flours, so I imagine he's had a lot of input or review of the recipes they post there; you might try some of the bagel recipes from the King Arthur website.