My Two Color Bread


Those look like fun

Really pretty, zainaba22!  I esp. like the random patterns in the braided loaves.  What are the two kinds of dough that you used to make them?

Katie in SC 

zainaba, you are such a talented baker! It's always a treat to see what you come up with, it's always so pretty and skillfully done. The two-toned bread looks very dramatic and appealing.

 Thank you all for your comment ,I appreciated


2 3\4 cups warm water

1\4 cup maple syrup

5 teaspoons dry yeast

1\2 cup dry milk powder

1\4 cup oil

3 1\2 cups whole wheat flour

3 1/2 cups white flour

1 tablespoon salt

*dough(2):I used cocoa powder instead of dry milk powder

1)"sponge" Mix the yeast, syrup,water, and dry milk powder.Mix in 2 3\4 cups of the flour. Cover the bowl and let rise for 10 minutes.

2)place all ingredients+"sponge" in the bowl of mixer ,beat 10 minutes to make a soft dough.

3)Divide dough into 4 pieces.

4)shape and let rise for 45 minutes

after 45 minutes

5)Bake at 350 for  30-40  minutes


Oh my gosh, those braids are even more spectacular before baking!  Really beautiful work!

(And how does it taste?  I bet yummy!)

Katie in SC