Eric Kayser's Buckwheat Batard, as published by Daniel Leader, and as annotated by Occidental


I haven't been able to find much in the way of suggestions for baking bread with buckwheat, which is a shame because it is so delicious. I can't say much about Kayser or Leader, but I am grateful to Occidental for his post on this bread. It was delicious.

The large holes are the result of incomplete degassing before shaping, a defect, as Hamelman would say. Otherwise, the crumb was very nice:

Hiding under the batard is my first attempt at the tordu shape. Not bad, but not ready for prime time:

Looks good, Louie.

What percentage of buckwheat is in this bread?

Can't help saying, "Buckwheat Batard" sounds like the name of a cartoon character.


Or maybe he was Yosemite Sam's friend.

Here's the thread on Occidental's work, Glenn:

Eigth post down, I think. If I recall correctly, it's a total of about 15% of the all the flour, roughly half in the preferment and half in the final dough, but I'm quite unreliable about such things.

It's a good bread, with plenty of potential for variation.