So I have almost killed my poor 5 qt mixer and want to get something bigger. I have been looking online for mixers but find it hard to find anything. I don't want something made in China unless it has a really long warrenty. Most sites don't say where the mixer is made, or they list several countries where it may be made (China is always listed). If I am going to pay $1000 for a machine I want it to last. I don't know. Does anyone have any recommendations? Maybe you have a China made mixer that is running well after many years. There doesn't seem to be any mixer review sites so I am left to my own devices.
So, do any of you have any recommendations for a good quality 10 qt mixer? Countertop would be nice. What works for you all? Ant help would be appretiated.
Used hobart. I think they have a 10. The 20 is allegedly a countertop mixer, but you would need a heck of a countertop. I just bought one this weekend, and it was bolted to a 2x2 prep table with what look like cut down legs. Works like a champ, but a little ugly. But it probably weighed 250 lbs and took 3 guys and an SUV to move.
Why not look into something like the Bosch Universal?
I just bought one off for $359 + free shipping! Unfortunately that deal is over and the cheapest now is about $392.
Check out the link below, it shows someone using it to mix a 9 loaf batch of whole wheat dough, I believe it was 17lbs of dough.
That is perfect for what I am trying to do (actually I was looking to do 8 loaves so it is really perfect). My husband is German so he is really excited about the Bosch too. I think we have decided on it.