A Bread Beginning


So this enthusiasm about bread caught me quite off guard. If you had asked me two months ago if I wanted to start making my own bread, I probably wouldn't have paid much attention.

But things have quite changed. And it all pretty much started when I did my taxes. Much to my relief, my tax return was quite good (at least I got SOMETHING out of my schooling). And so upon receiving said tax return, I immediately purchased two things. One was a 70s vintage road bike in orange. The second, was a Breville stand mixer.

The idea of the stand mixer caught me off guard as well. I've always wanted one, but had read it off as way too expensive. Well, thanks to my employee discount at a kitchen store, it wasn't quite so expensive anymore.

I started my research. I pulled out my Joy of Cooking book to get the basics (I absolutely heart my joy of cooking!). After reading three pages, I realized I was hooked. THERE ARE SO MANY DIFFERENT KINDS OF BREADS!!

I want to make them ALL.

So I joined a website! www.thefreshloaf.com where there are basic bread making lessons, suggestions, hits, info on different materials and different ingrediants. But above all, I discovered that there was a community out there of bread enthusiasts as well!! Who knew!?? There is even a Bread Baking World Cup!!!!!! I want to go to there!!!

Tonight I shall attempt my first loaf. I'm trying to start slow and not get ahead of myself (which I do wayyy to often). I'm trying to get into my head what each part of the bread does so that maybe one day I can start experimenting and making my own versions! So tonight is a simple white loaf. I'll take a picture and post it when I'm done!

So. Excited.


Ah, if you want to go to the Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie - the good news is that entry is free.  It will be held during the Europain trade show in  2012.  All you need to do is make up a pretend company and register - they claim that they will control people who enter for business cards (not difficult to fake, either), but don't.  Plan ahead accomodations can get tight as this is a huge trade show.

The other good news is that Europain is in Paris - so you will have to go to Paris to see the Coupe.

Wild dogs could not keep me away.  Go Team USA!!!! See you there!

It is so exciting to me when enthusiastic bakers, be they new bakers, experienced bakers, professional bakers, any kind of bakers, join this forum.  It is even more exciting though when one joins and recognizes from the beginning the value of the community.  I am not much of a baker.  I'm better than some (but they are gaining fast) and much less than many (and their ranks are growing rapidly too), but there is one thing I am that is just like you and the rest...  I too am a member of this community. 

I would not be as good a baker as I am today without TFL.  TFL itself would not be the outstanding resource, bread-cyclopedia, water cooler and communal kitchen and bakery without all of us (and especially floydm our host and benefactor).  Welcome to The Loaf, and thank you for enriching and enlivening the dough here.  I look forward to you sharing your journey.
