Semolina into durum?

I'm so excited to get my new Nutrimill grain mill!  I already have a few batches of flour undergoing their slight aging (thanks Cliff Johnson for all the info!) and I'm excited about all the new flours I'll get to make that I could never find in my local stores.  I have one question: can I use it to turn my semolina flour into the finer grained durum?  My understanding of the relationship between these two flours is correct, no?  And will putting semolina flour in clog my machine?  Thanks for your help!

I've been reading so much I've been confused about what applies to my Nutrimill and what doesn't.  I thought I couldn't grind soybeans in it, but turns out I can.  I just have to be sure the hopper is no more than about 2/3 full.

I thought I read in the manual that one shouldn't put through grain that has already been through once.  But I can't find that now, so I don't know where I read that.  It does say not to put oatmeal or sugar through.

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Have you considered using your food processor or blender to make a finer flour?
