BBA Challenge 2011: Week 4: French Brioche!


Here's a shot of one of my brioche, still in the tin. Came out good, but man - this rich man's brioche is TOO rich! Talk about a heart attack!

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Profile picture for user pmccool

Nice brioche, Chris.  I won't tell your cardiologist.


Geraint -

Yeah, the large ones showed up, but the other ones didn't show up until too late. Did you check out the longer post on the bread at my place?

Paul -

Thanks! Something tells me that my cardiologist will find out, but it will be in the way that I'd prefer him not to find out!


Your photos are looking great Chris!  I am thinking this past week was the week of illness for our group, cuz I was pretty sick all week long.  Maybe that's why I had such a bad reaction to the brioche.  I am hoping the next one isn't so rich, because I am not sure I could take another dose of that.  I rarely eat rich breads like that, mostly lean french and sour dough breads. 

I spent my free time this week creating an excel spreadsheet to use for Baker's Math.  Most of the ones I have found online have been to complicated for me to figure out even where to put in my own numbers, much less what the results are!  Mine is nice and simple and just gives me the basics.  My next step will be figuring out how to go from percentages back to the ingredient amounts I need for smaller or bigger recipes.  I'm a real geek, cuz I am actually enjoying doing this!


Geraint -

I'll definitely do the casatiello. I want to compare it with Field's, like you noted. If it's too rich, there are always students who can eat it on Monday!

Joanne - that rich man's recipe is just too much! My cardiologist is happy, though.
