Found this over on the bitsandpieces site - thought his "caption contest" idea was one you guys might find amusing :)
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Found this over on the bitsandpieces site - thought his "caption contest" idea was one you guys might find amusing :)
Here is one:
"Ahhhhh!! No more toast, pleazzzzzz"
My entry: "Gluten intolerance!? I'll show you gluten intolerance!"
Do ya wanna piece of me??!!!
We have a winner. ;)
It is funny! I wish I could use it as a stamp!
Best wishes,
Oh nooo Mr. Bill!!! I'm in a jam this time.
"Goöoooo back tooöooo bed!"
By the way, is that umlaut bread? Ö ⤷ D:
"So, puny Earthling, you think eating us has been fun all these years? The Yeasties will bite back, starting now."
Nooo, Not the toaster!