Bread can be better than money


I have good neighbors. Last night we got about four inches of snow and more is expected tonight. While I was out shoveling my neighbor came over with his snow blower and cleared the rest of the driveway and the walks and said he would take care of what comes down tonight. In exchange I will take a couple of fresh loaves of bread to them. He won't accept money and I don't hve any anyway. Fresh bread is more welcome than almost any other token gift. It is the least costly and best received.

This is what I have going for him 25 percent general mills whole wheat 75% all purpose white 66% hydration 2 teaspoons yeast half tablespoon salt and a quickmix and knead. It is proofing now I should be able to shape it by 4:30 and have it over there by 6:30. It is better if I make a poolish and let it rise cold but it is good like this.


Anna, I can believe a thunderstorm at Pax river . This is Maryland after all.


I must get a better way to measure the salt in my recipes. The bread I made was ok but would have been much better if I had gotten a little more saly in it.

I found a recipe for pizza dough on a site that suggested 1 tablespoon per pound of flour.  It seemed like alot and it was so I dropped it to 1 tsp, and found out that wasnt enough for me so 2 teaspoons per pound is the right ratio for me for my taste.  I like things on the salty side  but I think its very important in baking almost any thihg. 

Tonight I got off my dead a** and went down stairs and got my torsion labortory balance out and set about weighing table salt. 19 grams per tablespoonful plus or minus .01 grams Or how much does your hand shake. there are 3 teaspoons per tablespoon. so if I carve this into the face of a cabinet maybe I will remember.

2% salt would indicate a half tablespoon per pound so I was at about 1% salt which is at the minimal end of the scale.

Get a lined sticky pad or even a post it note, and put it on the paper, and scotch tape it to the inside or even the outside of the cabinet door over the baking spot! You would not believe my cabinets! I have my go to recipes taped inside and outside. Easy to look at to read ingredients, and don't get messed up with flying dough! (my mixer can get wild) I also list my pie baking temps on one, and so forth, saves having to look it up every time, as I don't bake often enough to know by heart! My other suggestion is get a good digital scale one you can tare and simply add the right amount of flour, or salt or whatever, works better for me than using measuring cups etc. Mind you, I still cup my palm, and pour the salt into the cup to measure a tsp, and I'm dead on so what works works!