Hello everyone from East Tennessee!!


I haven't been able to look around very much as of yet but this site looks pretty awesome, I have wanted to learn more about baking for some time now and this looks like a good place to start, are there any bakers in my area willing to take on a part time apprentice?  =-)

It IS an awesome site, many thanks to Floyd Mann, the owner, and the generous folks who hang out here.

A couple of tips to get you even further into the site:

1. See the "Search" box in the upper left-hand corner of the page?  Type in a word or phrase and stand back!  You'll get a lot of information to peruse on your selected topic.

2. The brown bar immediately below the header has clickable links to Lessons, Handbook, Videos, etc.  The three that I've mentioned specifically are a great resource for beginning and experienced bakers.  Look them over at your leisure.

Beyond that, keep us posted on your baking adventures and ask for advice whenever you need it.  

Happy baking!


Welcome aboard from Jerusalem, Israel. I know that sounds like a long way from East Tennessee but I actually lived in Nashville (central TN) for about 3 years before moving here. This is an awesome site just loaded with lots of info and advice along with friendly helpful people. Also, many, like myself have blogs related to baking and bread. Enjoy, and of course, if you have a question don't hesitate.

David from www.breadmantalking.blogspot.com