Yeast is forever

My local paper, the San Luis Obispo Tribune, had an article yesterday of interest to bakers.  You can read it at

The gist is this:  a biology professor discovered yeast in some amber from Myanmar.  The yeast was 45 million years old.  He made beer with it.  He said, "It was either that or bread.  But beer seemed more adventurous."

He formed a brewing company, Fossil Fuels Brewing Co.  The article says the beer is for sale primarily in Northern California bars and pubs.

Bakers so often worry that their yeast is going to die on them.  It's harder to kill than you think.


place of residence. I so miss this beautiful piece of earth. Lived in Monterey in the 60s  :)  and yes, I, too, would love to purchase a bit of starter if this gentleman would consider growing some to share with us.


I know I'd be willing to spend some money (even big premium) to get some to try with, say, some spelt, emmer or other "ancient" grain as a bit of a cool twist.