Ok, hope I am doing this right, just making an entry to my original blog.
I really really was hesitant about making this bread, since normally I don't really care for corn bread all that much. It's usually to sweet for anything but chili. Boy was I surprised, it really turned out awesome! I actually ate a little bit of peanut butter on a piece today, and was again surprised with how much flavor it had and the sweetness was not overwhelming at all. Here's a couple pictures with a link to more pictures of how I made this bread. It also has some explanations:
From Anadama |
I noticed a while back that the photos seem to have trouble loading form this site, so I am hosting my photos on another site and linking to them. It seems to fix this problem, and has the added advantage of allowing me to post a lot more pictures in case someone wants a closer look at how I made these. Next week I will be making the "Alien" bread that my family saw in my book.....
- Jo_Jo_'s Blog
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Looks lovely Joanne. I have never made bread with corn before. Your post has inspired me to bake some, too. (Or at least put it on my to-do list.:)
Lol, I have a ton of them on my to do list too! Just need the time to work on them all.....
Hi Jo Jo, looked at all your pictures, nicely done. The loaf looks great, and looks as though there is some whole wheat in the recipe. Or mabey the color is from Mollasses. I have had some corn meal long enough that it might be over the hill. If I try to make your bread I would purchase newer corn meal to ensure its sweetness. Any recommendations would be welcomed. Ray
Thanks Ray! I took the recipe straight from BBA, and it didn't have any whole wheat in it. I think the combo of molasses and cornmeal just gave it a really nice coloring. I used a light cornmeal, rather than the darker colored one. I was really impressed with this bread, simply because I really thought I wouldn't like it and it tasted so good. I had to be really careful to not tear the gluten as I shaped it too, due to the coarseness of the cornmeal. If you have a chance give it a try....
I'll just add your TFL blog to the list of BBA 2011 people at A Ku Indeed. That way people can just click over and see your bread pics from there.
Happy Baking
Thats fine, good luck with the challenge, can hardly wait to see all your posts on TFL to compare our results and hear what all works and doesn't work.
Thanks Cheryl! I am enjoying checking out your blog and your Anadama bread looks very nice. What nice crumb. I must tell you... when I make bread the best part is feeling the dough. In fact, I enjoy watching it come together in the bowl and when I reach in after the KitchenAid has done it's work I can't help but do some light kneading to bring it into a nice shape for rising in the bowl. It always feels so alive to me, something to be treated gently but firmly. I would probably hand knead if it didn't cause my joints to be painful. I'm one of those slightly nutty people who even named their sourdough starter, he is called "Arnold". This is in reference to the fact that he shrinks down when he's ignored in the fridge, but when you pull him out and feed him he says, "I'll be back!". Just like the movies....