Some german ingredients Liensamen, Brot mix

Profile picture for user krekdayam

I found some bread ingredients in Germany. Now comes the hard part... what to do with the "Liensamen" and the "Brot mix". The Brot mix is nothing but grains, no flour.

1) can anyone identify what these contain?

b) Any suggestions on how to make german style bread using these?



There is an  authentic bakery in Berlins airport, they start by weighing ingredients. No petroleum based byproduct bread here. The baker wasn't accustomed to having people photograph his work.

Profile picture for user Jaydot

Davert is a company that sells all sorts of organic (and often biodynamic) grain and seed produce.

The "Brot Mix" (Webpage) is a seed mixture you can add to your bread for extra taste. They say it can be kneaded into your dough in excellent manner.

It contains Sojagranulat* (30 %), Sesam*, goldgelbe Leinsaat*, braune Leinsaat*, Rucola* (5 %) - that would be sesame seeds, two kinds of flaxseeds, rucola seeds and soy granulat (if that's what it's called in english).

Alnatura is also organic (and anti GMO :-) and they sell al sorts of organic produce. Leinsamen is simply linseed or flax seed. Geschrotet means crushed.

The verb "schroten" means grinding, either coarse (= chops) or medium (= meal). "Leinsamen geschrotet", is ground flaxseed or flaxseed meal. If you want to bake a German Leinsamenbrot, here's my recipe:

Other TFLers posted recipes, too.

The Brotmix you can add to mulitgrain breads, like struan etc. (I recommend Peter Renhart's: "Whole Grain Breads")

If you work with Leinsamen or grain mixes, it's important to soak them for 12 or more hours, before adding them to the dough.




I've sucessfully made Leinsamen bread a couple times, and it was very good. Even a blind squirrel...

No cookie cutters were available, but a champagne flute, a wine glass and a soup bowl were handy




Good job with the Leinsamenbrot!

Happy new year, krekdayam
