Mr. Hamelman's Sourdough Rye with Walnuts

Hello, I am taking a trip down memory lane in trying to make this sourdough rye with walnuts.
I got to taste a rye bread with walnuts, made by Mr. Hamelman, at the IBIE show in Vegas in September.
His bread was absolutely delicious!!! I'm afraid I'd never had the pleasure of tasting good rye bread prior to tasting his.
Using his formula, I hoped to re-create the flavor here at home. I just tasted a tiny slice and although my bread could never match his, it is good and tangy, and I love the walnut flavor in this loaf.

I did two things differently from the formula/instructions...I added 15g of vital wheat gluten to the mix to try and strengthen the dough, to compensate for the 50% rye; and for some unknown reason, thought I had to proof the loaves seam side up (consequently scoring after proofing, not before proofing).  Also, running behind schedule this a.m., I just caught the sourdough as it was starting to deflate and am not sure if that had an impact on how this bread turned out.  Having never baked with 50% rye before, I didn't know if I should be expecting any oven spring or not, but I didn't get any.

Here are my pictures: First loaf, no blowout; second loaf, side blowout; and a crumb shot


Here's Mr. Hamelman's bread from the IBIE show (demonstrating what this bread actually should look like!):

I will definitely try this bread again, maybe at 40% rye overall and see how it goes.
Regards, breadsong




The loaves look nice!

I too have tried this recipe about two or three times now and really do love it, though I wish I could have had the honor and tried Hamelman's bread at one point. It'd be mighty nice to finally obtain a comparison of the quality of my product to what it should be.

Really that goes for any of the loaves I am baking at home regardless if it was a TFL member post or one from a professional book!

HI arlo, I'd taken a close-up of Mr. Hamelman's bread at IBIE (first picture below, then mine for comparison). His crumb appears lighter in color and texture. I remember being told Mr. Hamelman's bread was a 40% rye so I'll try that next time, and see what difference 10% may make.

It was a great opportunity to be able to taste Mr. Hamelman's bread. I wish I could remember exactly what it tasted it like, but I just remember thinking, "Wow!" when I did taste it.

I look forward to trying this bread again!
from breadsong

Lovely looking Batards.. Breadsong. Iam sure any home baked bread should taste wonderful, let alone Hamelman's recipes..

Lovely crust and crumb!

Thank you, I am not so sure they are lovely-looking (my lack of experience/skill showing) but I do appreciate your compliment. I am happy with the flavor and it's really quite different from anything I've baked before.
Thanks again!, from breadsong

Hello mrfrost, The rye sourdough is 100% whole-rye, and the final dough is 71% high-gluten flour and 29% whole-rye flour. The overall formula is for equal parts high-gluten flour and whole-rye flour.  Regards, breadsong