pandoros in the snow

Profile picture for user freerk

My second batch of pandoros came out very nice as well! I used Glezer's recipe. It was amazing how difficult it was to find cocoa-butter in this town. Especially when you know that Amsterdam is the #1 harbour for shipping the stuff around the world... In certain weather conditions we can smell the coacoa from our balcony, but for buying the cocoa-butter I ended up going out of town to a very old fashioned drugstore in a nearby city. The oddities of globalization, I guess... Anyway. here it is: my second batch of pandoros!

If you want to see more; check my "year in baking"-slideshow here

Hey there Sylvia!


Thanks a bunch :-)


Making things look and feel "X-massy" is really easy here at the moment; we are going towards our first official "white christmas" in a decade or so; lots of snow, ice cold, just the way we old world northerners like it ;-)


Have a wonderful time!



Profile picture for user nicodvb

Really nice pandoros. Congratulations.


Profile picture for user freerk

In reply to by nicodvb

Hey Nico,


Thank you Nico: coming from an Italian (I saw you are in Bologna) this compliment means a lot to me ;-) I haven't tasted this batch yet, but if they are anything like the first two, I'm doing fine :-)

Going out to get some Vino Santo now!


Have a wonderful X-mas (I was in Rome last week and it was snowing there as well, amazing! what a winter it is this year)


greet from Amsterdam



didn't play the slide show as it loaded to slowly even with my high speed connection, can't stand to sit for a minute for each new picture to load.

Loved the cupcakes, they looked very nice, and the pictures of your pandoro were beautiful, I just make plain old fruitcakes,and am happy when they disappear.

This year I made Tortiere or French Candaian Pork Pies and while the were delicious, the crust was a pain, don't know what happened as I can make pie crust in my sleep, but that came out very hard to roll. Weird. Tasted good though.

Thanks for the compliment Eva!

The crust i used for the cupcakes is from Amsterdam's most famous patissier; Cees Holtkamp. I have his formula for his tarte tatin crust, and that turned out to be the perfect dough to make these very thin cupcakes. If you are interested, I can send it your way :-)

Good to hear that my gallery is such a slow loader. They come from a server in the US, and I often wonder how fast the pics load on other machines. Funnily enough they load here in the proverbial jiffy.

I will look into it to see how I can make them load faster!

thanks again



I always like to encourage people who try to bake anything, as its better than always buying stuff from the commercial places, which I am sure try to do their best but they are beset with rules and regs and the stuff needs to keep etc.

I am interested in your name, as my uncles last name was Freer, his family had been here for many years since sometime in the 1600's actually, or rather in the US, as his family is like mine in moving across the country and moving to Canada in the 1900's.

We also have a Dutch friend who moved here after the second world war, and he is an interesting fellow, having served in the Dutch army and wound up serving in Maylasia in Borneo I know that is not its name now, but then it was. He is a highly decorated vetern, but only speaks of it in general terms.

My uncle the one with the name, was also a vetern, and served in Holland in the Canadian army at the liberation, so he was always interested in the country and how it was doing.

I would like the recipe if you can send it, as I collect things and they look so nice, and would like to try them, being as how they are a fancy food. I like to bake much more than cook! :) Although its not good for me. I am going to try making custard tarts with eggnog (the commercial stuff but hey) so have to go roll crust that I have in the fridge waiting.