Pleasant surprise


After a series of mishaps that should have ruined the loaf, I managed to still bake this up:


This was a double recipe of the No Knead Bread from Jim Lahey's My Bread.

The mishaps included:

  • a mislabled container that had WW bread flour instead of white
  • a lower hydration after a couple of hours (probably due to the WW flour)

I checked on the bread the morning after I mixed it up and it was really dry, so I added a 1.5 - 2 tablespoons of water and stirred it into the dough and baked it up that evening.  My joy at pulling off the top of the casserole (the red pot in the background) and seeing this lovely bread left me squealing like a little girl.  It tasted wonderful and it was a big hit.

Thanks Jim for making me look good...

Shot with my cell phone (HTC G1)

I bet you will find yourself 'experimenting' more often.  It is fun!  Congratulations! 

Great cell phone shot too!

That is just another happy accident of the folding before the seond rise - I had nothing to do with it.  The stars really aligned for this one...

Hello Yam.

What a wonderful looking bread! How does it taste? Do you have a crumb shot? Congratulation.
