Artisan Bread Bakers Distribution


Hello guys and girls,

    What city in the United States has the biggest artisan bread scene? Both artisan bread enthusiasts and amateur artisan bread bakers? I was thinking San Francisco, Boston, New Orleans, or New York.

Likewise, what city has the biggest bread scene in general, cookies, artisan breads, cobblers, etc.

 And where are you all from?

great loaves,


I'd like to know which  city or town has the biggest artisan bread scene per capita. I know Asheville, NC has quite a few artisan bread makers and an annual artisan bread festival.

I'm from Charlotte, NC. We don't have a big artisan bread scene, but we do have Peter Reinhart.


Good, thanks for the information.

I'd say that the San Francisco Bay Area probably has to be the biggest for artisan bakeries in general.  If you include San Francisco, Petaluma, Berkeley, Napa, Santa Cruz and other surrounding areas, it's tough to find any other single area with such a density of artisan foods in general.  But then again, when you include all those areas, it's probably a bigger are than some states...