I am hoping to begin making the Artisan Bread in five minutes.... My husband and I do not want to use polycarbonate or plastic in general for the purpose of rising the dough and keeping it refrigerated for the two week period.
What else is recommended for this process and storing? Anyone use just a wide steel or ceramic bowl with saran wrap?
I'd love some feedback.
Thanks much!!
You might consider the Anchor Hocking glass measuring bowl - comes with a lid and can be found at [url=http://www.amazon.com/Kitchen-Supply-Quart-Glass-Batter/dp/B0000CFQ5C/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1292287926&sr=8-11][u]Amazon[/u][/url].
This is a great container for fermenting dough and has measuring lines in the glass. However, I believe the ABIF dough needs at least a five-quart container so you might need two, unless you half the recipe.
Amazon also carries five-quart glass KitchenAid bowls, which you might be able to work with.
Just keep in mind a five-quart glass bowl is going to be heavy, so be careful handling it.
As an aside, you really don't want to keep the dough for two weeks no matter what the book claims. It will be quite degraded by that time.
Hope you find something that meets your requirements.
Thank you everyone that replied. I learned a bit and have some considerations to mull over. I will certainly be checking out the Amazon products, etc.
I am new to all this bread making business, and though it is exciting, there is SO much to learn with trial and error.
Yay for the info on size of doubling the dough Silkenpaw; I wondered about that. I have nieces who make bread and bagels, etc. in MT country... but that's pretty far from me.
Well, I'll be checking out the different forum discussions.