What's your favorite Artisan Bread book to bake by???


Hello fellow bakers!

Looking forward to treat myself to a couple of Great Artisan Bread books... anyone have any great suggestions??? Would be greatly appreciated!


Happy baking!



go with Hamelman...it is very informative and has many different types of bread.


Bread by Hamelman.  I feel his recipes are reliable and wonderfully varied.  However, I think the book is best used after one has mastered the basics.  For example, when he says to bake with the usual steam, that does not give you the details as to how, as a home baker, to proceed.  Maggie Glezer's Artisan Baking Across America was my "primer," and Nancy Silverton's Breads from the La Brea Bakery is very specific as to tools needed (before each recipe) and technique.  I also recommend, if possible, watching someone who is experienced steaming the home oven.  Good luck!


I have a very large collection of bread books, and my favorite that I always return to is, like many, Hamelman's Bread.

I really like Peter Reinhart's "The Bread Baker's Apprentice".  I've not quite made half of the breads in that book.  It is the book I pull out when I am pondering what to make next.

