soughdough for a beginner

I am not having much luck with spoughdough.I am currently trying a recipe from the miller of my flour.Soughdough is not a common bread in the UK so am not getting much help. When I was in Sanfrancisco  I fell in love with the taste and the texture.But so far my attempts all failed.The starter is fine and spongy and the recipe calls for 50/50 starter and rye flour but so far the dough just sits there doing nothing even after several hours.Any advise or suggetions  appreciated. 

I guess the first question would be what kind of sourdough starter are you using to make the sponge with? I know I've heard of several different methods, so I was just curious.

What is the recipe that you're using?

I've been making sourdough about every other weekend for a couple of years now, and I'd be happy to help you if I can.