After I try to baking country bread from one month ago. Many failed stone bread enter my stomach. So my stomach start to strike now,"I want soft, sweet, oily bread...(^_^)"
I have no any special patterns for baking. Maybe baking bread like buttermilk cluster is a good idea for me. I can try to use my pot again(^_^).When I see GSnyde very nice Challah photos in Thanksgiving, I like this Challah so much. I try to braid my first braiding pumpkin bread this time. I'm not sure, I hope they're also Challah.
I like pumpkin. So I use all I have, about 400g,I use a bag of milk.
whole wheat flour 100g, all porpose flour 300g,
Mashed pumpkin 260g, milk 120g,
Instant levain 1t
All purpose flour 240g,
Mashed pumpkin 140g, milk 80g,
Coffee creamer powder 1T,Ice cream powder 1T,
White ice sugar 1T, Salt 1/2t,
butter 60g,
Levain all.
At last I get about 1380G pumpkin milk dough. 5/8 for cluster. 3/5 for Challah.
I cut cluster dough to 17 pieces, make them to ball.and seven pieces wrapper with Chashao fillings. After I found the pot size not enough for 2 circle. So I place them to the pot lid. I have to cut 6 pieces outside ball to half for suitable size.
This cluster baking time 210 degree 10 minutes, 200degree 10 minutes, 180 degree 10 minutes. After baking I taste Chashao bread, On plate center, bread bottom heating not enough. Maybe I can baking more long time.
Before baking These braided breads, I place one piece broken earthware pot on bottom of oven. 180 degree 25 minutes. These braided breads baking better than cluster.Even bottom have good crust. I'm not sure if they get more heat from bottom earthware pot. Or for Only 3 pieces braided breads on bakeware. These braided breads same looking and similiar taste with I often get from local bread shop "ma hua"-translate name "fried dough twist". Mine just get from baking. "same world,same food". So Now I don't know these breads are Challa, or Ma hua, or only braided breads.
They are all very delicious. And same dough different taste.
Thanks for good ideas from TFL.

Chashao sourdough get from starter:
I fed low gluten flour to my fresh starter for Chashao bao dough. After 3 days
looks starter no big holes as before. So I fed all purpose flour. After I get 1 piece 100g dough. Looks it work ok. So I mix with all purpose flour and water. When the dough have wine smell, I mix with low gluten flour,baking powder, sugar and oil. It was Chashao dough now. Cut to 6 pieces, wrapped with Chashao fillings. The dough up quickly. Even I thought one finished wrapping bao was a dough ball.So Made mistake again(Number 1 good wrapped bao broke). This time I wrapped more same looking as ball than last time. Before finish wrapping. I heat steaming pot. after wrapped all. I quickly steamed them. And this time midium high heat 10minutes, midium heat 2 minutes, small fire 2minutes. After stop fire, waitting 2 minutes, Than open pot lid slowly. This time, I get more natural more happy face Chashao bao(^_^).
(Normally steaming sourdough : For get good shape. need enough steam at first. After sourdough already enough hot and steam in pot, can down heat. before stop heat more small fire. Gradually down heat. It's good for keeping shape. Even stop heat. need 2-5 minutes more cool. If no waitting time. steaming food cool quickly. Shape no good. My mother give a word to like that steaming bao or bread"气死"--“die with anger” )
I have a question about starter now. If only low gluten flour can feed for starter?
Thanks for you reading.
Have a good weekend.
- happylina's Blog
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Lovely braiding, too. Everything looks very delicious and nice shaping techniques!
Hi Sylvia
Thanks for your kindly encourage. It's my first braiding bread. It's very delicious. I like these bread. I think I will study really braiding skill before next time baking braiding bread.