question about ordering books via links on TFL site

Profile picture for user jonkertb

This is probably something I should know but I know what happens when we assume things LOL

Floyd, when we order a book (like Artisan Bread in 5 minutes a Day) through your link does TFL get some funding from that purchase??

....cause if it does, I'll use them to make my book purchases....



Yes. I get around a 6% cut. It depends on how many orders there are in a given month. That is true of anything else you buy through Amazon after clicking through one of the links too, so if after clicking through to buy a book you decide you also need a new standmixer or digital camera, I won't complain.

then to support TFL I'll order my books here.....I'd post my new guy recipe and pictures if I could get 'em to go to the post but after the last hour of frustration......I'll just keep lurking and learning

tomnew loavesnew loaves now how in the world did they end up here?? guess I'll try the slices and see if that comes......slicedsliceddog gone it....oh to figure out how to do it on the introductions spot..this is my clone of Panera's multi grain....wife likes it better but I'd like to get some critiques from the "ole timers" on here


I want to order the BBA book but your site link only goes to  Is there any way I can order from and still generate some credit for TFL?

At the moment, I don't think so.  Thank you for thinking of it... I've been meaning to look into it and will do so soon.  

It seems to me like there has been a marked uptick in new members from Canada lately.  Either that or else I'm just noticing more than I did in the past because I'm obsessed with the idea of moving to Vancouver, if not permanently then at least for a school year or two, and have spent the last 3 months or so consuming as much Canadian culture as I can... reading Pierre Berton and Stephen Leacock books, watching Hockey Night in Canada and the Mercer Report, listening to the CBC over the internet while commuting. Heck, I even put some shares of Tim Hortons' in my retirement account.

I believe you will enjoy your stay in Vancouver as it's my absolute favorite place to visit!  Be prepared to receive a lot of honking of car horns while driving!  There is much to do as far as recreation and so many diversified restaurants to choose from.  What part of Vancouver are you staying may I ask?    Best of wishes Floyd!

Last time we were there we stayed on the south side of downtown.  I brought my bike to see how easy it was to get around the city without a car.  Not as easy as Portland, but not bad.

When we visited in the spring we stayed in North Vancouver right near the Seabus terminal.  

We don't have any plans to visit again yet, only a desire to do so as soon as we can.


Hi Floyd,

I was born and raised in Vancouver and lived there for 40 years before moving over to the Island (Vancouver Island) . If you like living in a big city, Vancouver has lots to offer, but I think if I had to live in a city these days I'd choose Victoria over Vancouver. It's much easier to get around Victoria by bike, the weather is generally better, real estate is considerably less expensive, and it doesn't take an hour + to get out of the city and into the country like it does in Vancouver. I suppose the biggest drawback to living on the Island is having to deal with the cost of getting to the mainland when the need arises. Other than that I think the Island is a much more livable place to be than the greater Vancouver area, particularly for families with kids. Just a couple of thoughts from a life long south coast


What I've seen of Vancouver Island is lovely.  My folks live just across the way on the Olympic Peninsula, so we get up there a fair amount.  

Vancouver the city has a lot more tech jobs than Victoria.  Since I have two smallish kids, living in a location with adequate employment options should my current gig not allow me to work remotely seems fairly critical.  But, then again, part of why we're talking about trying to stay up there for a year or so is to have a chance to explore some of the places we haven't seen yet like the Salt Spring Island, further north on Vancouver Island, and much of anywhere in BC outside of Vancouver and Victoria.  So... if we do get it together and spend some time up there we may indeed find some place that has mix of affordability, livability, and employment options that seems better for us.

Vancouver definitely is the tech center of the Province, with Victoria, and Kelowna in the interior growing quickly, so hopefully the pieces will all fall together for you and your family to come and stay for an extended period...or longer somewhere in B.C.  This is a great Province to live in, with lots to see and do here no matter where you locate.

Keep us posted, all the best,


I am a UK resident but have been to Vancouver and the Island three or four times.  It really is a lovely area and we would love to be able to emigrate over there.  Last year we spent a few days on Salt Spring Island and the place is really great!  It even has an artisan bakery that uses its own wfo!!

I hope your wish of a move to Vancouver comes true - ours didn't!


Hey, look at that:

Since I already had an account it was real simple to set this up.

I'll add more items and integrate it into the site today.  But the BBA is on there now.  Give it a shot and I'll let you know if TFL gets credit for it.




Thanks so much Floyd...I hope you get a credit.

To other Canucks looking to buy the book shipping is free (it's just over the $25 free shipping limit) and tax was 5% - not sure why since I'm in Ontario and our HST is 13%.

As for moving to Vancouver..I envy you! When my family immigrated from England many years ago we settled in Ontario which is where I'm rooted. But I've always wanted to visit Vancouver - just to see the mountains :)

Thank you so much for your support!

Don't envy me yet... I'm obsessed with the idea of moving to Vancouver, but I have no idea how to pull it off!  My kids and I are dual citizens, but... It is a crazy expensive place to live, and the exchange rate isn't working in favor of us w/ our earning and savings in US dollars these days.  

I can vouch for Vancouver being worth visiting though.  Both the mountains and the coast are spectacular around there.  I spent 10 or so days up there this year.  We loved it.


If I ever wanted to live at the West Coast, Vancouver or San Diego would be my favorite place. My son studied at Think Tank advanced computer game design, so we visited Vancouver two years ago and very totally smitten.
