I have the Zojirushi BBCC x20
I would like to make bagel dough in it, but I'm worried that with such a stiff dough I might damage my machine.
I've seen several postings where people talk about making bagel dough in their machines but sadly no actual recipes or bagel-specific info.
Would anyone be willing to share their experiences with making bagels in their bread machines?
I have these recipe links that have bread machine instructions:
- Bagels in Bread Machine recipe - Bagel Recipes
- Bagels: King Arthur Flour
- Bread Machine Digest ยป 50/50 Bagels
- Bread Machine Bagels Recipe - Allrecipes.com
My bread machine is not as good as a "Zo", but I think it would handle any of those recipes with NO problems
I checked my 'bread-machine' recipes folder and I don't have anything on the computer concerning 'bagels', specifically, but lots of pretzel and high-percentage rye-flour doughs, which would be just about as 'heavy'...the ones I've tried worked just fine in my cheapo B-M
I'd say you should 'go for it' and let the rest of TFL know how it works out for you. I'm sure you'll be fine!
Thanks. Someone else suggested calling King Arthur - they have a baking hotline (which I didn't know) and they said it will be fine. Plus they actually have my model of Zo which they use to test their recipes, so I'm SURE it will be fine, LOL!
I guess I have nothing to fear at this point but fear itself . . .