Anyone for gelatinized flour from a vending machine?


Great article.  Just recently went into my first Aldi in Burlington, North Carolina. A tiny version of a Costco with less to choose from and VERY UNFRIENDLY staff, but great Genoa salami.


Thanks for sharing that article. It's interesting what people will buy or be brainwashed into thinking it's good. Actually none of the folks quoted raved about it. Portland is such a mecca for foodies, and other folks with such good taste in bread and coffee I can't imagine that happening here. Don't want to imagine it. 


just on principle...but, since I live in Japan, I think I'm expected to say, "Yes, please!"

This is what 'eating' and 'food shopping' is becoming, or has already become, in all of the developed world, without exception...pre-processed and mass-produced 'muck' that oozes all of our favorite 'nutrients'; fat, salt, and refined carbohydrates...sugar and starch...empty calories! 

It's no wonder that places such as India, the UAE and several SE-Asian countries claim their biggest health problem (so-far!) is escalating rates of type-2 diabetes

I'm not a professional in this area, so I'll just keep quiet, now...Thanks for posting, LindyD!
