I want to make several bread bowls. They are going to be much larger than a bun and yet not nearly as large as a round loaf. I'd say about a 5" round loaf,baked. My question is: Would it be better to shape and proof these loaves in a small linen lined bowl..Or place them together on a sheet pan, much like you would rolls. I'm thinking not as close together as you would place rolls. Does anyone know how a bakery proofs their sourdough bread bowls?
Susan of Wildyeastblog made beautiful bowls with her sourdough corn bread. She used small,lined bowls. Details on her blog.
Susan's recipe and bowls look wonderful. I would like my bb a little larger. I was hoping to avoid having to dig out all those bowls and linen, but I think to get the best shape, that's the only alternative! I can see why the bakery charges so much for bread bowls..just as much work involved as making a large loaf.
Hi Sylvia,
In a bakery the loafs would be proofed in a commercial proofer, allowing for more options than what most of us have at home. For a home setting I'd recommend using the bowls and cloth...sorry, and not to bake more than 2 or 3 at a time so that you have enough air circulation between the loaves as they're baking if your oven is not a convection type.