The new issue of San Francisco magazine has a cover story about Tartine Bakery. The gist of it is that Chad Robertson is master of the SF bread universe. There's a blurb about the cookbook and one about Guisto's. Great bread porn pix. The article doesn't appear to be available on-line.
Hello, I visited Tartine Bakery yesterday morning on my last day in SF! Didn't get to taste Mr. Robertson's bread but did have a wonderful frangipane croissant and cafe au lait for breakfast while perusing the display copy of the Tartine Bread book. Had to leave with a copy of my own...a fantastic work & can't wait to try making some of that bread. Too bad about the magazine article not being available online...would have liked to read it. Regards, breadsong PS Go Giants!
Thought I'd google it, and was happy to find:
It's a very good article.
'nuff said
Glad they posted it on their website.
That's a fascinating article. Topical for me, too, as it happens - I've been trying to make the point on a thread at another forum that sourness is not necessarily a benchmark of quality, or a defining characteristic, of SD bread. I'm certain there are many here who would share that view, but I'm a lone voice on the thread so far. In fact, some of the responses have been downright hostile, one guy all but accusing me of heresy in merely expressing such a perspective on a sourdough forum. That's the net for ya!
Anyway, timely to come across the article. Wish I could sample a chunk off one of Chad Robertson's country loaves...
Yes, I have read the John Downes post you linked to. I always find his posts fascinating. He was interviewed on ABC Radio a couple of years back while resident in England. It's too long ago to be in the online archives of the ABC, but a staff member forwarded me a copy in MP3 format, which I embedded on one of my blog posts: Sourdough Rising - The Home Artisan Bread Baking Revolution. You might be interested in having a listen (you'll see the recording 3/4 of the way down the page).
As you are probably aware, there are some other John Downes posts on Sourdough Companion, including some more recent ones from earlier this year - all insightful and thought-provoking...
He takes no prisoners, does John, but as far as I can discern my taste seems to coincide with his (as does yours, I suspect) go John!