I was so inspired by Pamela's 'xiapete' post on the ZaZu resturants style Chanterelle mushroom and goat cheese pizza, she baked in Nov. of 09, I've been craving one ever since. I finally found some lovely Chanterelle mushrooms. I also baked a pizza Margarita style. It was served with a lovely little organic chicken, I stuffed with fresh garlic, rosemary, lemon, s&p. and, some roasted peppers! Roasted it all at the oven door while the fire was getting ready for the pizza's.
I made my version of Roman Pizza Dough from PR book American Pie, by adding Olive Oil. I used King Arthur's Duram flour.
The crust is absolutely delicious. My favorite way to have it is, stretched thin with a big blooming crown, that way I can enjoy this fabulous tasteing crust. It can be stretched to a cracker thin crust. My husband loved it, crust toppings and all...he said it was his favorite crust.
Roman Pizza Dough
I made 4 large dough balls - or you can make six- 6- ounce balls
5 cups (22 1/2 ounces) King Arthur All Purpose Flour
1/4 cup (1 ounce) semolina flour - I used King Arthur Duram flour -
1 3/4 teaspoons salt or 3 1/4 teaspoons kosher salt, I use sea salt
1 teaspoon instand yeast
1 3/4 cups plus 2 Tablespoons cool water (65F)
I added 2 Tablespoons of unfilter extra virgin olive oil
1. Mixed all ingredients in my KA until combined, using the dough hook and mix on low speed for about 4 minutes or until all the flour gathers to form a coarse ball. Let the dough rest for 5 minutes, then mix again on medium-low speed for an additional 2 minutes or until the dough clears the sides of the bowl and sticks just a little to the bottom. Adjusting the hydration or adding more flour if needed. The dough should pass the windowpane test.
I divided the dough into 4 balls and placed each one into an oiled plastic tub and refrigerated them until the next day. Removing them about 2 hours before making my pizzas.
I stretch the dough out thin leaving a thicker area for the crown...add my toppings and bake, either a pre-heated convection 550 oven with stone, or in my WFO 800F and up. until the crust browns with a little charring.
First the Chicken stuffed with fresh lemon, rosemary and garlic and drizzled with Olive Oil and Lemon Juice, S&P. The oven omits so much heat the roasting is done at the oven door...which is very handy.
Oven getting good and hot for the Pizza
Fire Roasted Peppers - My Italian girlfriends moms recipe -
Roast peppers, clean off charred skin, I leave a tiny bit of char for more flavor, add to bowl and cover with
extra virgin olive oil, diced fresh garlic and sea salt to taste...refrigerate and keeps for a good week, delicious on
Sausage sandwiches or alone..I used to get grossed out watching my still girlfriend over 50yrs. eating her school lunch sandwich
with just these peppers on it. Little did I know!
Ready for the Pizza's
Pizza with Chanterelles, Goat Cheese, EVOO, Truffle salt and a smidgen of Pesto, Shaved Parmesean Cheese.
What a great combo of ingredients...
On my tweeked Roman Pizza Dough - Fabulous tasting!
Crispy crust Submitted to Yeast Spotting
Tomato and Cheese - Still my Favorite - My sauce, herbs, garlic and San Marzano
tomatoes. Fresh mozzarella -
Fabulous tasting Crust...it's really a draw between the sauce and the crust, but I would have to pick
the crust! Fresh mozz makes all the difference!
Crumb of the Crown
- SylviaH's Blog
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YUM , YUM, and YUM!
you get busy, Sylvia! i have never baked pizza on a stone yet, let alone WFo.
Now that is mouth watering. Everything looks perfect. You certainly are the WFO chef.
We had Chanterelles on pasta last night since it is peak of the season here right now. But on a wood-fired pizza... man, that looks incredible!
Thanks, Floyd! I love them...had a large package I found at a great price from Costco...almost ate them all before getting down to making the pizza...only had enough left for once pizza, didn't even get to try them on pasta..that's got to be fantastic..I've got to get more.
My goodness, chanterelles and goat cheese on pizza! Where has this combo been my whole life!?!?!?!?!
Excellent bake Sylvia!
Floyd is right, Sylvia - you are the WFO Queen! Those are both gorgeous! If I were on the West Coast I'd encourage you to go commercial so I could be a (happily) paying customer.
incouraging words!
I now have a new bakers paddle with a 29" length board for my wfo...just started experimenting...hummmm nice long baguettes finally opening up great with nuked steamed towels. Now to get a good looking baguette, that's the hard part! I can put 3 in at once. Got that part down. For me, the paddle is a bit large for to handle, but with more practice should work great although, being the paddle collector, I will probably order the easier handling half paddle at fornobravo.
@ Larry, if you were a neighbor...free pizza's/bread and use of the oven, anytime!
should I ever get the westward-ho urge!
Looks terrific, Sylvia. I hope to try that dough recipe some time soon.
If you like a very thin cracker type crust, leave out the oil, this is a good one to try...It can be stretched very thin if you like or thicker. I added the oil for a little less dryness and nice creamy chew.
Hi, Sylvia
Oh my... They look GREAT!!
I wish I could eat the fabulous pizza.... hmmm... I love roasted peppers!!
Best wishes,
Oh, do I love roasted peppers, too! Can't keep my hand out of the bowl. I roast them indoors by lining my stove gas burner pan with foil, just cut a hole around the burner, keeps the pan clean, and lay the peppers right on top on the gas burner grate. I marinate them in plenty of garlic and EVOO, so I have extra for salads, meats, whatever..yummm full of flavor and no waste.
Chanterelles and goat cheese is a favorite of ours. It looks delicious!
I've been lagging on pizza making, the weather is perfect for pizza making and eating, and just baking! Love that goat cheese...it doesn't melt like some other cheeses, even under very hot firey conditions...it's interesting to see different cheeses melting or non-melting advantages. Chanterelles, to bad the season is so short for fresh ones...I'm going back for more!
...letting us all know when you're having the next WFO-pizza party, Sylvia?
It looks spectacular!
How about Halloween! Costumed gets a bigger slice!
I'm off to search for my Darth Vader costume.
Hi..I just made your dough and it was a cinch! I cannot wait to see how it comes out ...quick question - do I have to use it all tomorrow OR can I keep it in the fridge for a couple of days..
Thanks for sharing this great recipe..
Your welcome, it's so easy...why not always just make it up the night before for the best results. I just finished eating pizza again tonight. This time I baked indoors. It had plenty of life left in it but not as much as yesterday's. I pre-heated my oven and stone for over an hour...I was busy! I really prefer my dough the next day. If I don't plan on having pizza again, say for lunch or appetizer next day..then it's best proofed, given a gentle deflate and frozen right away. They say it keeps okay for up to 3 days..but it's no comparison to the overnighter proofed dough...and frozen is great and very handy..but not the very best it can be, so I would suggest if you are going to save or freeze, try decreasing the yeast a little. One day extra in the frig I think is plenty long enough to save the dough.
My 83 year old mom has been looking for a great pizza dough recipe for years..I cannot wait to share this with her...my hubby is having a friend for dinner tonight so I plan to make this pizza with roasted red peppers and a mix of provolone and mozzarella cheeses...I can't wait...
Take care and thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe.
This is a tweeked recipe adding the olive oil to Peter Reinhart's Roma pizza dough recipe. There are several wonderful pizza dough recipes in his book 'American Pie' I highly recommend it, full of wonderful tested recipes for pizza's, sauces and doughs. Your Mom will love it..holiday gift ;)...One of the favorite dough recipes is listed right here on TFL. In the recipe collum on the left of the home page just go to 'A Pizza Primer' Floyd has the recipe and lots of results pictured there..I often use recipe too, it's another favorite of mine.