So, I see KA sells all sorts of affordable attachments. Additionally, you can readily find them used/cheaper on craigslist and ebay - big bonus. Those are a #10, right?
I see that Hobart n-50 uses #10 and so does the Globe 5 quart - can I use accessories from KA on these brands? Especially meat grinder and pasta maker? While I make bread for function/need. I also bake cakes, cookies and I would like to start grinding my own meat and we all love fresh pasta and making it myself is more affordable.
If these are all interchangeable. Can you see a reason why I would spend the $$$ on a Hobart when Globe is so much cheaper? (and maybe there are other brands that are cheaper too that use the same size hub?)
Responding to myself - but I see elsewhere that you can use KA #10 on Hobarts - which makes sense since Hobart used to own/make KA. But the Globe? It has a #10 hub, but I don't see that globe makes attachments for the hub of that size? Hmmm...
Unfortunately I've no first-hand experience with either Hobart or Globe. What I can suggest though is it's not really the attachments that matter.
What does matter the most is the motor size and gearing. I've heard plenty of times about a 400Watt motor burning up and the owner calling the manufacturer and hearing nothing more than "the instruction book clearly says don't do that". At first plastic gears seem to work just fine, but breadmaking will quickly destroy them; metal gears are better; some mixers go even further by having a "chain" drive.
A second issue is the type and orientation of the mixing and kneading elements. Are they vertical or horizontal, straight or spiral, one element or two? It can make a huge difference in how much air/oxygen gets incorprated into the dough and in how forgiving the gluten development is of mixing a little too long.
A third issue is whether the mixer is multi-purpose. Some mixers are optimized for kneading dough and don't do anything else well (if at all). Other mixers will do everything including whipping cream. Unfortunately every mixer is a compromise: if it can whip cream, it's a mediocre kneader; and if it can knead really well, it can't whip cream.
I don't know about the Globe, but the Hobart N50 mixer can use all of the Kitchenaid hub attachments as well as the narrow bowl bowl attachments like the ice cream maker and the colander and sieve.
Well, I got a used Hobart n-50. Won't be here for a bit (seller only ships on Saturday and I got it on Saturday), so a week to send out.
I'm curious how I will feel about it compared to the DLX 2000 I have. Today I made 5 loaves of bread and had to 'help' knead evey frickin batch and I'm so sick of that babysitting. Yet I love the open top and ease to add ingredients, but I just don't feel it kneads adequately unless I'm there pushing it down, scraping it, etc. it's too expensive a piece of equipment for that.
Of course, now I've REALLLLY gotten an expensive piece of equipment, but iwth all the baking I do, it's worth it. My DLx has paid for itself 3 times at least already. Not sure if I'll keep both or sell the 'weaker' one.
would be to keep the N50 for its overall versatility. I collect old mixers, some Hobart and some Hobart Kitchenaids.
The N50's I own are tanks! The Kitchenaid Model G mixers I have are comparable in power and durability since the N50 was modeled after the Model G. There is really very little difference between the two.
The Model G's are the ones I use all the time and sit on my kitchen countertop because simply they are so beautiful with their shiny chrome finish.
That is one gorgeous mixer. I think I've seen it pictured on another site (a KA site where people talk about KAs and old hobarts/KAs?)
I just need to buy a dough hook for the Hobart. The lady found the paddle/beater after I won the auction and is throwing it in - SWEET! Hmmm... now she said paddle, I'm assuming she meant the beater as that looks like a paddle).
Last night I was watching You Tube videos of Hobarts mixing dough and the DLX mixing dough. The hobarts are a faster knead, DLX kneads more like a nice soft gentle hand knead, but it needs help to mix it all around, imo... but man, when I make a triple batch of Whole Wheat Stollen for the holidays - that DLX mixes that heavy, nut and fruit laden dough like it was nothing.
I was debating between a 10 quart Hobart and a 5 quart. I finally decided on the 5 quart as I can actually move it from place to place. If I would have gotten the 10 quart, I would have had to station it in the mud room (which has kitchen counters and cabinets in the back) and leave it there. Plus, MOST of the time, I just need a 5 quart machine as I make two loaves at a time - single recipe. Unless it's Christmas... and once a year use of big batches does not justify a 10 quart machine.
Talking to myself here! Oh, and the seller can ship tomorrow, so I'll get it QUICK! Yay!!!
Hi berryblondeboys,
If you have a chance, please let us know if you are happy with your mixer. The reason I'm asking is that I recently had a REALLY bad experience (not at all as described and the more I tried to be happy with it, the worse it got--just found more things wrong with it) with one I purchased on eBay. It was so bad that I got totally discouraged from buying a used one and ordered a new one. Thanks! Genie
It's not the one you returned - though that one sold about the same time, but for more.
I hope i love it.
because of the price you mentioned in another thread. I was just wondering if it was a widespread problem that they aren't described accurately or was I one of the rare unlucky ones. Yes, mine resold for $25.00 less than I paid, but there was shipping added this time that made it more. I worked so many years on eBay that I have a tendency to keep an eye on everything. It was described a little more accurately the second time, so I hope the buyer will be happy with it. Hope yours is fine! Genie
Well, I bought my electrolux from ebay 5 years ago and it was in perfect condition and still is pretty amazing.
In the past, I purchased many very nice things on eBay with no problems whatsoever but after this experience, I guess I'm a little "gunshy". I just did purchase something else (not expensive) and I'm sure I'll continue to buy in the future, but I'll be extra careful if the item is expensive. Again, good luck! Genie
I know what you mean - one bad transaction can erase 100 good ones. And yes, the higher the price tag, the more 'risky' it feels. I think this is the highest I've ever paid for anything from ebay. Now, that's not true, I got a Husqvarna Viking Designer 1 about 7 years ago for a steal on ebay and it's perfect... let's hope my luck holds out.
Ihaven't gotten word about it shipping yet, so we'll see. She had hoped to ship today.
WHAT is a Husqvarna Viking Designer 1? Genie
Oops meant to add sewing machine to that.
No, it's good! I found a lot of useful information about Hobarts from you and that site!
I just did an ebay search for old Model G mixers. Wow, one sold with a TON of accessories -a 1929 model on Oct. 7th for $900. They still have the "congrats!" letter for buying it. Holy smokes. Hard to believe what people pack away for 3/4s of a century!