Searching for Brotforms (Brotformen)


A couple years ago, I  bought a pair of great "plastic" German-made brotforms. On the base, these are marked "Thermo", "Germany", "1,000 gm" and "K".  They are wonderfully substantial...very solidly built.  A great product. Easy to nest in storage, having "steps" on the exterior that allow air circulation. Easy to clean too.

These are, obviously, designed for 1 Kilo (2.2#) loaves, and are rectangular in shape.   I have been searching, in vain, for a smaller version of these substantial brotforms.  Need a rectangular design, as I always bake two or more loaves on the stone in my home oven.  I can find light, cheap, "slotted" versions of smaller German "poly" brots, and they are often round.  Looking for 1.1 # rectangular brotforms, that don't look like they came from XMart.  Ideas?

You might want to check out They have an amazing selection of cooking and baking tools. I've ordered from them before - the service is good and the prices and shiping reasonable.


Flournwater, The rectangular Frieling Brotforms are exactly the shape I want, but they are more expensive because of their wicker (?) construction.  I still prefer the "Poly" versions for ease of cleaning. Searching further through the site, the company does appear to have a product very similar to mine, under a different name. Unfortunately, they are out of stock.  Bummer.  Good link though.


Mini...You appear to have located exactly what I want.  Again, does not apper to be the same "name", but I am beginning to wonder if these are all made by the same manufacturer?  If I wanted round brotforms, colanders would be a cheap solution. Good idea, for round "bread forms". Will Google for another possible supplier of Garkorb.  Another path to explore?  Thanks.


Trishinomaha (wonder where Y'all are from...cute handle)....I agree that Fantes has a great selection of baking items, and are also a good company to order from.  They DO sell plastic brotforms, but they appear to be a lighter weight, and are "slotted".  The "rough" inside texture of the ones that I have been using "grab" and hold my rice flour coating very well, and the loaves turn out effortlessly without gobs of flour on them.

Thanks, all....for the generous input.  Still searching for that elusive poly form.....

or read, any German?  Great link picosinge, to many brotform, and similar other bread "forms". The Village Idiot asks if there is any way to translate the pages via Google, etc.

I am drooling over the selections, but the cost of shipping might rule out an order?




not so hard...  One way is to highlight and copy the article name and number and run a search on it, then the site appears most often with "translate this page" after it, click on that and see where it takes you. 

(I have both German and English options for my computer.)  Note that in the http code, the "de" after "" means "Deuschland" and sometimes running the article number then thru (your) "Amazon.(plus your countrycode)" may yield a more local option in the language your computer is preferenced.  Always worth a try.  I don't know if that made sense...   Try searching your favorite Amazon link for the same article and number and see if it shows up.


DO appreciate your further advice picosinge and Mini. Will play around with the translating aspect on me computer.  I have long searched for info on strange  Cacti & succulents, and have found that I cannot always translate every page using Google, but I likely have been doing this wrong.  I am better at rising bread, than being computer savvy?

Have been really busy with an injured dog.  Whine.  Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, and will try all of your kind advice.

Lucky you, picosinge, for having a German lad willing to instruct you in German.  Beats taking a course in college.

I am still hoping that there is some source for German brotforms in the US.  Maybe not?





Thanks, picosinge for your concern.  Dawg cost $455 at an after-hours ER pet clinic.  Sliced back leg, and severed one tendon & damaging others.   Weird, strange, & pricey. 

Appreciate your offer to post a US source for smaller "plastic" brotforms.  I really like the ones that I have been using, but I would like to make smaller loaves.  I could do three at a time on my oven stone, with the smaller forms.

I just found this site. they only have one size each of plastic - oval and rectangular. Scroll halfway down. The rectangular is 8.25x5.75.

Three rectangular  sizes here:

Not what you asked for and bigger, but there's this:

Interestingly, I found these from a forum topic from 3/2005. Who knew more than 5 years later, they would still be useful.


Hope this helps.

Errrr..... berryblondeboys ....YOU hath found it! 

The page has the very product I was hoping to find.  I will see if these are still avaiable.  Mucho thanks for your great searches.


You are welcome. However, I was looking at what's offered below compared to what's pictured above - they are not the same! The bottom pictures are similar to what is shown on the other links. Which stinks, because it's a bit of false advertising, but maybe they do the same trick? Having not tried, I don't know.

You are so right, berryblondeboys...that pics on the pastrychef site are two difference styles/designs of brotforms.

I typed to Pastry Chef central, to see if the heavier brotforms were still available.  Their first two sentences were ..."We definitely have these in stock.  But there is a newer version with slotted sides."   The customer service rep typed that the original forms as pictured on the site were no longer available.   I thought the first sentence a little misleading, like the pics they still show on site?

Ahhhh....the search continues......