no knead bread


I have been a lurker on this site for several months and after baking 4 loaves of no knead bread, this is the most wonderful tasting bread I have ever baked, and I would like to reaffirm my skills. I am a meer novice at this bread baking business. the only reason I took up the past time was . I got a bread machine for xmas, and used it twice.

I spent a few years in Fontainbleau, France and loved the bread. i try a lot of the different receipes you folks post and some turn out and some don't. keep up the good work, you folks are a tribute to the baking world.

I'm a newbie too! New to bread baking and fairly new to this site. The people here are awesome and Floyd's (who owns and administrates the site) is fantastic and sooo knowledgeable.

I highly recommend going through the lessons as they are posted here and read and post often!

Been on this site for only a couple of months and baking bread that long too. This site and the people that contribute are great!