rofco bread oven


Does anyone know if the Rofco bread ovens can be bought in the USA?

I was curious, too, so I tracked down their website:

Google will translate it and the Rofco site offers a contact form for questions.

They also sell spiral mixers.

This looks like an awesome little oven and I am wondering why no on in the US sells them or makes something similar.

I too, just saw the Baking Bread video, very cool video, but the Rofco really peaked my attention.

Any news on this product?

I ran a search, and it led me back here. lol

You can turn your oevn into a rofco. You only need to understand the thermodynamics of baking a dough, and devise enough heat sources in the right dierection, and trap enough steam to mimic a pro hearth oven. With few $$  invested you can have your own hearth oven, though the exclusivity of baking multiple loaves at a time will still be a drawback.
