I am going through The Breadmaker's Apprentice and I just did Ciabatta bread and it turned out ok considering it was my first artisan bread I've tried. He says in the book that he doesn't see much of a difference between Gold medal Better for Bread Flour and King Arthur. Do you agree?
Also I could not find SAS yeast but I bought Fleischmann's Rapid Rise Yeast (I don't think it's the same as Active Dry). I think it's the same type that Reinhart would recommend(instant), but don't know for sure. Anyone know?
And my last question. He said to spray it with a vegetable oil spray. What do you recommend?
Hi Tinmanfrisbie (that's quite a handle!)
I've used both the GM and KAF flours and my family and I can taste a difference; we prefer KAF over the GM. I do use the GM flour to refresh my sourdough culture because it's less expensive. I think it's a matter of taste and encourage you to try both.
Reinhart and most other bakers/authors prefer to use instant yeast because it can be added directly to the dry ingredients. The Rapid Rise yeast you purchased is instant yeast and will do just fine.
BTW, in the TFL FAQ section, there is a yeast FAQ that you might find interesting. One on flour, too.
The oil spray is used to prevent the dough from sticking to the plastic wrap during the bulk fermentation and stretch and folds. If you don't want to spray the dough, spray the plastic wrap or bag. Canola or olive oil will do the job.
Hopefully you have a supply of parchment paper and can do the final proof of the dough while it sits on the parchment. That will make it much easier to get it into the oven.
Did you mix the poolish or biga version? Whichever, am sure it will be delicious.
Thanks for the reply I did the poolish version. Since it was my first artisan loaf it was a bit rough because most breads I've made are done within a half day at the most. It wasn't as dark as what I would have liked at the crust was hard for about 12 hours then was about as soft as the inner portion. The best ciabatta bread I ever had retained the hard exterior that was nice and brown and the interior was soft. Considering it was my first time, I was pleased with the outcome and the taste. Thanks for info!
[quote]He said to spray it with a vegetable oil spray. What do you recommend?[/quote]
It's probably not quite what he meant... but I just use Canola oil in one of those oil mister bottles that you pump up. It's cheaper and easier (and "greener"), and it seems to work fine.
(There are several tricks to using the oil misters though, not all of which are well-documented in the literature that comes with the mister:
Chuck, It was interesting to read your method of cleaning the pump mister. I had one and loved it, it really sprayed the bread with just the right amount of oil, very light. It was so hard to clean, I actually threw it away.
Now, after reading how you did it, I am going to buy another, your version sounds really simple.
Thanks, Jean P. (VA)